Ep.42: Literacy

Published: Sept. 17, 2021, 3:30 p.m.

If you are reading this you are exercising a terrible powerful ability the likes of which your Australopithecus ancestors could not dream of. You have ascended the ranks of mere animal cognition and risen to that of sapience, nay, Godhood. Use your powers for good, and above all use them. QUOTE: "For me literacy means freedom. For the individual and for society." -LeVar Burton #FrivolousGravitas Links: Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb3cCrFqaHFBp2s7jgtJvFg FB: https://www.facebook.com/Frivolous-Gravitas-Podcast-109356198202987/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/FrivolousGravi1 RSS: https://krisdriver.com/feed/rssfeed.xml If you like this kind of content and want to see more, be sure to like, share and subscribe to help keep this channel going. Use RSS url to subscribe to Frivolous Gravitas using your favourite podcast player to catch up on past episodes and listen any time you want. No commercials, no sponsors, no ads, just straight talk on demand and on the go. Original Music by Dreamlife Frivolous Gravitas Booklist EVERYBODY MUST WATCH AND/OR READ: -Edwin A. Abbott - "Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions" There's a paper book, audiobook, or my favourite... the feature length animated movie available for free here on youTube www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyuNrm4VK2w (not affiliated, just a fan of this title) BOOKS / AUDIOBOOKS -Noam Chomsky - Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media -Richard Wolff - Democracy at Work -John M Ellis - The Breakdown of Higher Education -Thomas Bulfinch - Bulfinch's Mythology -John Milton - Paradise Lost -Norman Finkelstein - An Issue Of Justice, Origins Of The Israel-Palestine Conflict -Patrick J. Deneen - Why Liberalism Failed -David Epstein - Range: Why generalists triumph in a specialized world -David Montero - Kickback -Mark Blyth - Austerity -Brian Cox - Why Does E=MC2? -Sarah Chayes - Thieves of State -Sean Carroll - Something Deeply Hidden -Paul Farmer - Pathologies of Power -Dale Carnegie - How to win friends and influence people -Walter Lippmann - Public Opinion -Richard P. Feynman - Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman -Stuart Ritchie - Science Fictions: How fraud, bias, negligence, and hype undermine the search for truth -Henry David Thoreau - Civil Disobedience -Lee Smolin - Time Reborn -Will Durant - The Story of Philosophy: The lives and opinions of the greater philosophers -Paolo Freire - Pedagogy of the Oppressed -Lao Tzu - Tao Te Ching -Robert Munsch -Carl Gustav Jung - Modern Man in Search of a Soul VIDEO -Jim Al-Khalili - BBC Series on Science and Islam, also books and some brilliant phsyics documentary-style long-form video pieces. Very prolific public communicator in the theoretical physics domain -Michael J Sandel - "The Tyranny of Merit" and "What Money Can't Buy", also a fantastic Harvard Lecture series on youTube called "Justice, what's the right thing to do?". ("The Teaching Company" aka "TTC") -Scott E. Page - TTC: Understanding Complexity Daniel N. Robinson - TTC: Great Ideas of Philosophy (prefer the 1st edition)