Ep.06: Why Markets? (Part Two)

Published: Dec. 14, 2020, 11:45 a.m.

Today's excursion into the void, Kris and Jordan trek through the foggy confounding thickets of basic economics. They explore the idea and purpose of market systems and try to get to the root of a few of the more important principals of exchange in an effort to shine some light on concepts that seem arcane to most. We covered only the barest fraction of what we could have discussed, thus this episode serves as a springboard for future consideration of the topic of economies. As such this episode will focus on tidying the jargon in a effort to make legible the complexity and over-simplifications of the dynamic interrelated system we call the market in order to make economics accessible to themselves and listeners of all walks of life. This was a particularly stimulating discussion for us, and we hope that you find something that will sate your mind's hunger for a time. If you have any suggestions, criticisms, or questions relating to this topic that you would like to see us discuss please leave a comment below. QUOTE: "Where all think alike, no one thinks very much" ~ Walter Lippman, The Stakes of Diplomacy #FrivolousGravitas Links: Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb3cCrFqaHFBp2s7jgtJvFg FB: https://www.facebook.com/Frivolous-Gravitas-Podcast-109356198202987/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/FrivolousGravi1 RSS: https://krisdriver.com/feed/rssfeed.xml Introduction theme: "Original Music by Epistra"