Mental Acumen on Freedomizer Radio

Published: Oct. 12, 2020, 10 p.m.

Our mission is to engage in open discourse that promotes healthy bodies and minds. We advocate for freedom of health choices, educational choices, and other personal and political freedoms that are eroding in our culture. We promote voluntary interactions with one another and want to invite you to connect with us. Topic this week: We talk this week about language and words and how the words we store in our lexicon affect all aspects of our life. We will mention some orators, how words and emotions are tied, and Dr. Masaru Emoto.  We welcome callers LIVE ON AIR! (319) 572-6208 press 1  Join us Monday’s 5:30pm MST/ 4:30pm PST Follow us on: Mental Acumen Website: Health Coaching website and blog:  Duncan’s Place Cat Sanctuary: Keep Colorado Free and Open: