Dennis Montgomery is Deep State Kryptonite

Published: Nov. 20, 2020, 3:30 a.m.

Dennis Montgomery knows everything. He has the power and the wherewithal to bring the whole rotten house of cards down on their heads. The communist mainstream media is working overtime in a desperate and futile attempt to discredit our movement. Ignore them. Their interests are the same interests of Satan himself. There are even patriotic Americans who do believe any of this. Unfortunately, they are unable to absorb the shock of this constitutional disaster that democrats have created. Unable to access tried and true information in our current media blackout, they likely favor a Donald Trump concession. Ignore them. This is the end of the line. How it all ends prior to Inauguration Day will dictate the future of this country for decades to come. This is our fight, and we must take it to the enemy. Dennis Montgomery is Democrats' kryptonite. He is a man of truth. Like puzzle pieces, his story connects perfectly to our present reality. In other words, he predicted all of this, and every time he spoke truth to power, the American communist media trashed him. Montgomery knows what it feels like not to be believed, but he presses on. He does so because he knows exactly what is at stake. He cannot be bullied. He cannot be destroyed. Truth is a powerful thing. There is nothing more genuine on God's green earth than one's ability to be honest in the midst of a barrage of propaganda and lies. Dennis Montgomery is Democrats' kryptonite, because he tells the truth.