Making movies accessible

Published: Aug. 6, 2019, 6 a.m.

When Trudy Suggs, her husband and four children go to the movies, they have three options.  They can use glasses that provide captions, use a screen that reflects captions projected from the back of the theater or go to an open captioned screening, where captions are part of the film.  Suggs and her family are part of Frederick County's deaf community, and she spoke with producer Heather Mongilio about the how the local movie theater works to be accessible to the deaf community.  While the movie theater does try to be accommodating, there are still room for improvement, Suggs said. Then News-Post reporter Becky Duke Wiesenberg, who wrote the story, spoke with Mongilio about why she wanted to report on the deaf community and how she found the Frederick Deaf Moviegoers on Facebook. Later, Mongilio discussed the latest with the research halt at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases.  Then, Mongilio and News-Post reporter Hannah Himes traveled to Urbana where they spoke with the O'Hopp family about two giant pumpkins they are growing.