The Flag and the First Amendment

Published: Dec. 6, 2016, 9:48 p.m.

For over 200 years the flag has been a cherished and revered symbol of America, transcending ideology and political alignment to embody the principles of our Republic. These principles include the great charters of our national, political and individual freedom, among these being the Bill of Rights. 

In this episode of Fragile Freedom Wyatt McIntyre talks about the Flag, of it's value and significance and addresses the recent comments by the President-Elect in favor of a flag burning amendment to the Constitution. Talking about the First Amendment, and the freedom of expression that is embodied in it, this is an episode about the significance of not just the Bill of Rights but the importance of protecting rights even when they are used in a way that might offend, or when someone acts or speaks in a way that we hate or fills us with anger. If we are unable to protect liberty and freedom in those instances, after all, then when can we?

Take a journey through history and and the Constitution as we discuss your Fragile Freedoms.