Our Own Magna Carta Americana (Part Three)

Published: Aug. 25, 2017, 5 a.m.

“Poor Madison got so Cursedly frightened in Virginia, that I believe he has dreamed of amendments ever since.” Robert Morris, the newly elected Senator from Pennsylvania, an ardent Federalist who had argued for ratification and against the need for a Bill of Rights, would observe.

The truth? James Madison had every right to be frightened. He had staked his entire reputation on the Constitution and it almost cost him his political future. Denied a seat in the Senate by the Antifederalist Virginia Legislature led by Patrick Henry, he had faced every obstacle in his bid to win a Congressional Seat. Now, despite the gerrymandering, despite being denounced by the most powerful man in the state, despite facing a younger, more popular opponent, he had won. Yet that victory had come at a price. He had to back peddle on his initial opposition to a Bill of Rights, an idea that had been presented at the Constitutional Convention by the likes of his fellow Virginian George Mason. Not only would he now support the idea, he would become its foremost champion in pushing it through the House of Representatives.

The third part in the continuing history in the fight for an American Bill of Rights, in this episode host Wyatt McIntyre picks up where he left off following the victory of James Madison over James Monroe in the nation’s first election. Taking on the early days of that first Congress and that newly elected Government he goes through the initial struggle that was faced by Madison as he sought to bring the Federalists and the Antifederalists together while preserving the newly formed government of the United States.

Join us as we continue our journey into one of the most important, sometimes misunderstood and misrepresented documents, in American history. 


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