Episode 158 - Forged in the Fires Guest - Angel Sanchez

Published: Dec. 27, 2022, 2:57 p.m.


Chief Executive Officer and Servant Leader, Student of Lean, and Professional Speaker. Focused on leaving the world a better place.  


He has a variety of successful experiences including leadership of large nationwide teams for Fortune 500 companies. He graduated from California Baptist University with a degree in Public Administration, has a Finance Certificate from University of California, San Diego, and has studied Lean manufacturing in over 30 locations around the world, including a study mission in Japan with Toyota. He also serves on several city, state, and regional boards and commissions and volunteers with a number of different non-profits. In 1993, he founded a 501C(3) non-profit that annually supports thousand of children, seniors, and disabled, retiring in 2017.  His unique combination of business acumen and firefighting experience has been a contributing factor to his success of Phenix Fire Helmets.


Thousands of business visitors from over 25 countries have come to study the Phenix business culture during the last 5 years.  His impact stretches far beyond business.  He impacts the lives of his workers, firefighters, and the families of those on the frontlines.


Find out more about Angel at https://www.linkedin.com/in/angel-sanchez-jr/
