What's Your Super Power?

Published: Sept. 7, 2018, 3:19 a.m.

b'FAR 177 Expected Air Date: 8/13/18


I have a great photo in my humor collection of a pig who looks like he\\u2019s smiling at the camera. The caption says, \\u201cI turn vegetables into bacon. What\\u2019s your super power?\\u201d I have an unsurprisingly large number of bacon jokes in this collection but this is one of my favorites. Humor aside, I want to ask you this question today. If you could have any super power, what would it be? What if I told you that you already have a power inside of you that is remarkable, perhaps even super? You have a few actually, but today I want to zero in on the power that is already inside of you to make your life count -- to live a life that has depth and meaning is within your grasp. You have the power! And in a few minutes I\\u2019m going to tell you how to unleash that power. www.flippingamericanetwork.com Facebook.com/flippingamericamedia Twitter and Instagram @FlippingAmerica YouTube: bit.ly/FlippingAmericaOnYouTube Linkedin: bit.ly/FlippingAmericaOnLinkedIn We now have a profile at houzz.com for what it\\u2019s worth. Call our National Comment Line: 404-369-1018, ext 1. Leave your message or your question.


  • Lunch with me every Wednesday.
  • Tomorrow! August 14th, speaking at Catalyst, \\u201cContractor Impossible\\u201d
  • Flipping America App is in the app store. You can listen to the show, read the show notes, and the entire catalog of shows is now available to you. It\\u2019s a free download and there are no upsells or in-app purchases. Free to download, free to listen. Go ahead and give it a try and drop me a line and let me know what you think.
  • Want a quick analytical tool to tell you how strong a potential fix and flip deal is? Download the Property Grade app. You answer 10 simple questions about the property and the app instantly tells you what you can expect to make, your return on investment, your return on cash, and then the program gives the project a letter grade using the proprietary Flipping America Investment Property Grade algorithm. \\xa0

Topic: The Power of Meaning

You have the power to attach meaning to your life. From the grandest plans, the wildest unexpected experiences, the unpredictable and often hurtful behavior of others, right down to the smallest details of your everyday existence, you decide not only how meaningful these are to you, but what that meaning is. This is an awesome power which can be both tremendously positive and dangerous at the same time. Dangers Giving too much importance to the unimportant. Making everything important. Making nothing important. Focusing on the wrong problems. Attaching disconnected \\u201cmeaning\\u201d to life events. Positives Ability to sort out and prioritize. Think carefully about the \\u201cpresenting issue\\u201d and look for the real problem. Attach meaning that flows from your sense of purpose and larger belief system. Realize that impulse reactions may be \\u201cnormal\\u201d in a sense, but not usually the most helpful responses. So what are the steps to living a meaningful life? First, think long and hard about what \\u201cmeaningful\\u201d means? Ask yourself a lot of questions. What is important to you? Why? And why is that your answer? For example, Meaningful are those things that are Lasting Personal Sources of joy, peace, contentment, entertainment, humor, fulfillment It seems that the longer something lasts, the more intrinsic meaning it has. The human soul -- Your house -- Your car -- Your toothbrush. While we want to believe that every life has value, we obviously attach more value to those around us. The closer a person is, the more meaningful that relationship is. A distant person we\\u2019ve never met or heard of is brutally murdered in another city. While we may feel a moment of sadness or compassion for that person and his/her family, we are not as impacted as we are when a close friend is robbed at gunpoint. And THAT doesn\\u2019t shake us as much as hearing a doctor say we have a terminal illness. The point is, the more personal something is, the more meaning we naturally attach to it. We all carry excess baggage around in the form of attaching meaning to people or life events that we could probably let go and just be better off. Is it really that easy to just drop it? No, but that\\u2019s not what I\\u2019m suggesting either. I\\u2019m suggesting that instead of holding on to the bag of \\u201cstuff\\u201d, open it up, sort through it, think the thoughts that need to be thought, feel the feelings that need to be felt, decide what needs to be decided, take responsibility for whatever you can actually do now about the situation, ask yourself what is to be learned here, how did this event or person prepare you, enrich you, inform you. I encourage you to unpack that bag carefully, thoughtfully and purposefully. And once you have done that, pack it back up and put it into long term storage, saving out only those things that you intentionally choose. Now that\\u2019s for the things and people that have already happened. Today is a new day. How will we approach this with meaning and purpose? I want you to have a good day. And a truly good day is one that begins well. For most of us, what happens in the first couple of hours of our day tends to set the tone for how that day is going to go. Now if you listened to what I\\u2019ve just said, this doesn\\u2019t HAVE to be the case, but it usually is. So as much as possible, let\\u2019s start each day off well. Notice I\\u2019m avoiding saying \\u201cgreat\\u201d. Every day can\\u2019t be great. Because if they were, none of them would be truly great, since great is comparison word and in order to be great, something else has to be less than. So your goal is to have a GOOD day. And some of them will turn out to be great! You\\u2019ll have no trouble finding 1000 books and articles telling you to start out your day with exercise, a healthy breakfast, quiet time, journaling, and so on. Nothing wrong with any of those, but some of us have a schedule that defies regularity and many more of us just don\\u2019t really keep up with those things consistently. And by defining a good day as starting off with those habits, when we miss, our day can be ruined by self-inflicted guilt. Here\\u2019s a different idea: Start your day with thinking. No matter what your routine is, or how it is interrupted, you can do some thinking, right? While in the shower, during that commute, even while getting dressed, there are things we HAVE to do in order to start our day that do not require our complete attention, so have some thinking time at the beginning of each day. And what should you think about? Here are some suggestions:
  • The Thankful list.
  • My Purpose - This is a different show, but review your \\u201cwhy am I here\\u201d statements.
  • The things that give my life meaning. How will I have a chance to accomplish these today?
    • Honoring God
    • Helping others
    • Providing for my family
  • Get 5 things done today. What are they?
  • Anticipate Interruptions. See any possibilities?
  • Small Reward for a Good Day.
    • Favorite TV show
    • Patio Time
    • A favorite beverage
Then try to do something physical each day, even if it\\u2019s just going for a walk. Physical activity does more than benefit your body - it also frees your brain. Exercise can be a potent treatment for depression and anxiety. You don\\u2019t have to be a gym rat -- but you can probably walk a mile in 20 minutes, so walk somewhere for 10 minutes and then turn around and walk home. \\xa0That\\u2019s much better than doing nothing. You have the Power of Meaning. You are already using this power, but if you realize just how powerful you are, you can start now to shape the life you want.


  • Sherry, Colorado Springs, \\u201cDo you buy burnouts? What do you think about this? I\\u2019m looking at a house that had a kitchen fire. Most of the house is fine, but the kitchen is destroyed.\\u201d
  • Shawn, Long Beach, \\u201cI bought a house using information from an online deal analyzer but now I can\\u2019t find anyone who will do the work for what the analyzer said it should cost. The repairs are going to take out all the profit or most of it. What would you do?\\u201d
  • Sammy, Tampa, \\u201cHow does anyone have more than 9 rental properties? My bank just told me I can\\u2019t get any more loans.\\u201d
  • Craig, Harrisburg, PA, \\u201cI need advice for someone who is young, very motivated and willing to work, but has no experience, no money, and no credit. I don\\u2019t have bad credit - I don\\u2019t have any credit. I just turned 20 and really want to get into real estate. I\\u2019m in community college part time, but don\\u2019t have enough money to pay for full time college at the university, and I don\\u2019t want to do student loans.\\u201d
  • Kerry and Brittany, Jacksonville, FL \\u201cWe are first time home-buyer and have a house under contract. The home inspector has listed several items that need to be addressed and it has us running scared. But it was so difficult to find a house and win a bid, we hate to give it up. Please advise us. Here\\u2019s the list:
    • HVAC is 10 years old. Recommend replacing.
    • Roof was improperly flashed at dormers. Recommend removing current roofing material in affected area, properly flashing and sealing, and replacing roofing material. (roof is asphalt shingle)
    • GFCI outlets are not present in bathroom or above countertop in kitchen. Recommend replacing outlets with properly install GFCI outlets

Motivational Thoughts for the day

  • \\u201cHardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.\\u201d C.S. Lewis