Sponsorship Series - Social Media Team at Specialized

Published: June 16, 2021, 12:56 p.m.

Part 2: Social Media

What is the difference between influencers, ambassadors, and sponsored athletes? And are they all competing for the same sponsorship money? Should we provide free publicity on social media to companies who we are not paid by? By doing that, are we doing a disservice to our peers who are trying to make a living by representing companies? How important is it to have a big following? On that episode, we cover all these topics, and much more, with Social Media Specialist Jeff, from Specialized.


What is the state of sponsorship in professional off-road cycling right now? How has social media changed the landscape of sponsorship? How can an athlete evaluate how much they are worth? Are results and pure racing still valuable? How do company choose who they will work with? So many questions to ask on this subject that is not often talked about. The goal of this podcast series is to paint a portrait of sponsorship in off-road cycling by talking with different key players of the industry.

 It will be a 4 part series where I’ll interview: 1- Athletes / 2- Social Media Managers / 3- Marketing Managers / 4- Agencies