Lael Wilcox and Rugile Kaladyte : Stories from the AZT Record

Published: April 29, 2022, 4:48 p.m.

On April 21st, Lael Wilcox became the fastest person on earth to complete the Arizona Trail. It took her 9days, 8hours and 23minutes to ride the 827mile trail from Mexico to Utah. Meanwhile, her wife, photojournalist Rugile Kaladyte documented the ride, to be able to share this incredible story.

Today, Maghalie chats with Lael and Rue to hear about their stories from the trail. Talking about why and how they are able to document it, what motivates them, their headspace during the ride, and how does it feel when the alarm goes off after only 2 hours of sleep? And much more.

For more information about the controversy on Lael's record, you can listen to this podcast.

To learn more about Lael's gear for the ride: The Radavist

Click here to follow Lael and Rue.