Do we have a Truth Crisis in America?

Published: Dec. 7, 2018, 4 p.m.


With the 24-hour news media, countless blogs and videos, and near-infinite social media commentary, there\\u2019s a lot of noise out there. As a society, we are all struggling to combat disinformation, or \\u201cfake news,\\u201d and get at the truth. Of course, that\\u2019s easier said than done. Joined by guest Jon Miltimore, the FEEcasters discuss how to combat fake news and how constant advisories on everything from romaine lettuce to FBI Russia investigations begin to lose their sense of importance.

Show Notes:

Daryl Davis: Making Friends From Enemies

There\\u2019s No Such Thing as \\u201cHer Truth\\u201d or \\u201cHis Truth\\u201d\\u2014Only the Truth

George Orwell: Looking back on the Spanish War
