12: DEI's as Auditors with John Carlson

Published: Feb. 12, 2021, 7 a.m.

John Carlson is an HR strategist and a proud member of LGBTQ IA+, which stands for Lesbians, Gays, Bi-Sexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual.   


Main Ideas


  • The changes in this space are soo fast. And you, you realize you're suddenly completely eliminating or ignoring a group of people that truthfully many of us didn't know existed. 
  • This whole conversation can feel very complex.
  • The acronym is getting so big that it seems like it may just become a name. 
  • LGBTQIP2SAN - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Queer, Intersects, Pansexual, Androgynous, Asexual
  • There is Freedom to be almost anything. 
  • Often times its a spiritual choice
  • 2Spirit is the Native American reference for someone who has both sexes.
  • Getting to know more people that have a different background
  • How did John find his way to this space?
  • Through a series of happy accidents
  • He had self-identified very young but found it difficult to share their true identity. 
  • When his father passed, it was the lesson experience that brought forth the courage to truly live into his calling. 
  • Even after coming out, was still segregated, with statements like don’t be too gay. 


KEY Thoughts


14’02” - So we ended up getting the framework for DNI rolled out, both on a national and global level. And then I had this kind of light bulb go off. And I'm saying if I can do this at one organization and I can make change happen why can't I do this and help so many people in so many other companies.


16’29” - if you think about it, we have more access than ever as consumers to choose. We can choose where we want to spend our money. And these organizations have to understand that they have to get an anti-racism anti-discrimination people-first mentality, or else they will not be sustainable into the future.


27’30” - I know that allies are, it seems like there's some discussion. I brought up the term ally recently and I had someone bristle. And I've never seen that before and it wasn't sure what to do with that. And I, is there controversy around being allies or do you know what I might've seen?


28’19” - A lot of people who claim allyship, don't really know what it takes to do. To be an ally. They don't understand the risk involved. So if I am an ally of the inflicted group, that means being all-in. It means being willing to risk my social capital, my physical financial wellbeing, my, my livelihood, everything for the sake of the empowerment of that group.


30’18” - I have learned repeatedly at this strength of and power of people who I might've seen as somehow disenfranchised or having these other issues. There is more character and more strength in that, in those groups, because you know of how they've had to live their lives




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