93: 093 | It Is Always About You | Evolution Of Self

Published: Feb. 17, 2022, 1:30 a.m.

People can be irritating, they can have differing opinions that clash with ours and sometimes the way that other people are or think can be really hurtful. Today I would like to put it to you that it is never about THEM. It is always about YOU. When you truly understand this you will see that it is incredibly empowering because instead of always trying to fight or change everyone else you only ever have heal yourself. In this weeks episode I will hopefully help you to see why this is so and to give you some tools to help you do this.


BrittTanya website - https://www.britttanya.com

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/britt-macfarlane-28400522/

Bring Wrong Making Right - https://youtu.be/3I6w3Y8de2o

Forgiveness - https://youtu.be/wiwipYWU-nw

"Evolution of Self" is a weekly podcast to support your journey towards a more conscious self aware way of living .  Britt is a Consciousness Coach, advanced Ho'oponopono practitioner, podcaster, blogger, entrepreneur and has considerable experience as a board director.

#SelfAwareness #ConsciousSelf #SelfBelief #Integrity #EvolutionOfSelf #BrittTanya #Consciousness #BecomingConscious #SelfBelief #Integrity #ConsciousLeadership #Authenticity #LawOfAttraction



Music - "Celebrate Life“ by Sascha A.Giebel, Basspartout Music

Picture by AlainAudet / 689 images from Pixabay

Check out my podcast channel here -  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/evolution-of-self/id1509289914

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