To Love and Be Loved by a Horse: When A Horse Chooses You

Published: May 12, 2022, noon

A tribute to my beloved horses, especially Legend who passed away unexpectedly this past week.

Every horse owner has that one special horse, that one horse who changes everything about them.

A great horse will change your life. A truly special horse will define it. A magnificent horse will show you the way. Legend was the kind of horse that changed my life, helped me define it and guide me along my way. He was truly one in a million. For those of you who knew us together, you saw the connection, the spark, the light and the love. It was mutual.

Legend wasn’t just my horse. He was my friend, my companion, my playmate, my soulmate, my joy, my pleasure, my solace, my indulgence, my mentor, my confidant, my guide, my counselor, my sunshine, my light, my warmth, my world…he was all of this and so much more.