How to Eat an Elephant

Published: May 6, 2020, 4:52 p.m.

You might be wondering about the effects of this quarantine on me, after reading that title! Really - I'm good. I want you to focus on the HOW TO of the title. And then replace the "eat an elephant" with...ACCOMPLISH BIG GOALS. That's right, this 6th episode of the 1st series is all about working towards and achieving goals or completing tasks and projects. We will define your "elephant," and how to take action on your big dreams and goals, how to start and how to finish ahead of your deadline?!? You eat the elephant ONE BITE AT A TIME. 

I'm sharing my current "elephant" and how we are working towards completing this goal. I hope this concept and perspective helps you keep moving towards your accomplishing your goals and dreams! 

And like every other episode, I share practical ways to look at your big goals and start taking steps to achieve them. We apply the "P.I.E. framework" to achieving goals and we look at how to flip the way you THINK, FEEL and TAKE ACTION on your goals.

Don't forget to download the worksheets and work through them with me: