S01EP06 你喜欢吃的品客薯片其实不是薯片哦!

Published: Oct. 4, 2020, midnight

Pringles Aren’t Chips


Welcome to daily fun facts where we discuss fun facts about this crazy world. Use these newfound facts to break the ice and start an interesting conversation.  Happy learning everyone!


Brie: Hey Andrea, wanna have a movie night this weekend?  I miss those days when we got to do nothing but binge on our favorite Netflix shows and movies.

Andrea:  That sounds like a good plan to me!  It’s been a crazy week, and we all deserve a break from time to time.

Brie: Let’s also buy some snacks for our movie night!  How about we get some popcorn and chips?  Do you like Pringles?  We can get those for the potato chips.   There are so many tasty flavors including barbeque, sour cream & onion, pizza, jalapeño, and salt & vinegar.  Oh, my mouth is watering just thinking about it.

Andrea:  Okay, I can tell you are really getting the munchies. But, and here’s a fun fact, did you know that Pringles aren’t actually “potato chips?”

Brie: They aren’t?  What are they then?

Andrea:  They are a “potato crisp”, at least that’s how they’re marketed.  If you take a close look at a can of Pringles, you won’t see the word “chip” anywhere on the packaging.

Brie: Really?! 品客不是薯片,而是薯脆?我以为那些由马铃薯做成的脆片都是薯片呢!What’s the difference then between a potato chip and a potato crisp?  

Andrea:  They seem very similar to me, and most people I’ve talked to can’t tell the difference either.  However, the US Food and Drug Administration, the governing body that regulates public health and safety in the United States, has a rule that says that in the US, if a food is to be defined as a chip, then it must be made out of a thinly sliced potato fried in deep fat.  Pringles are not considered to be real potato chips because they are dehydrated, that is, they are dried potato flakes combined with other ingredients.  These Pringles are then processed under pressure into their unique signature parabolic shape.

Brie:  I see. So, a potato crisp and chip aren’t legally defined as the same thing in the US.  美国食品和药物管理局认为,薯片必须是由削的很薄的马铃薯片,经过深度油炸制成,而品客的薯脆是由马铃薯粉与其它成分混合,然后经过脱水,高压加工处理后制成的抛物线形状的薯脆!So, what do they do in the UK?  The British refer to all chips as “crisps”.

Andrea:  That’s true, what is generally referred to as a chip in American English is called a crisp in British English.  For tax reasons, the company that owns Pringles did not want their snack to be considered a potato product in the UK. However, ultimately, a British court determined that they would legally be called potato chips.

Brie:  所以从法律定义上来看,品客在美国叫薯脆,但在英国又叫薯片了?

Andrea:  Yes, but in everyday usage, Americans tend to say chips and the British tend to say crisps when referring to every kind (not just Pringles) of those tasty, crunchy, and salty snacks!

Brie:  They can argue about it in court all they want.  I don’t care what they’re called. I just want to eat them.  

Andrea:  Well, I’m glad to hear you don’t hold a chip on your shoulder.

Brie:  Hold a chip on my shoulder?

Andrea I mean, I’m glad you don’t hold a grudge about whether to call them crisps or chips. 

Brie Ha! Trust me, I have no reason to have a chip on my shoulder.  They will all be in my stomach.


So, everyone, there’s your fun fact of the day!  Let’s go over some of the vocabulary and phrases from this dialogue.


Netflix  / nɛtflɪks /  网飞,在美国非常流行的一个付费视频网站

Deserve  / dɪˈzɜrv /  值得/应该得

Popcorn   / ˈpɒpˌkɔrn /  爆米花

(Potato) Chips  / tʃɪps /  薯片

Barbeque   / ˈbɑr bɪˌkyu /  烧烤

Sour cream & onion  /ˈsaʊ ər  krim nd ˈʌn yən /  酸奶油洋葱

Jalapeño  /ˌhɑ ləˈpeɪn yoʊ/  墨西哥辣椒

(Potato) Crisp  / krɪsp /  薯脆

Packaging  / ˈpæk ə dʒɪŋ /  包装

Administration  / ædˌmɪn əˈstreɪ ʃən /  行政管理

Regulates  / ˈrɛg yəˌleɪts/  调节/校正

Dehydrated  / diˈhaɪ dreɪtɪd /  脱水的

Potato Flakes  / pəˈteɪ toʊ fleɪk /  马铃薯粉

Signature  / ˈsɪg nə tʃər /  标志性的

Parabolic  / ˌpær əˈbɒl ɪk /  抛物线的

Crunchy  / ˈkrʌn tʃi /  松脆的

Grudge  / grʌdʒ /  怨恨


Binge on  不停地刷剧/刷电影

Get the munchies  突然很想吃零食

Governing bod 管理机构

Hold a chip on your shoulder  对某些事情生气,耿耿于怀


Alright, join us next time for another fun fact to help break the ice! 好了,这就是我们今天的有趣常识分享,如果喜欢我们的话,请别忘了点击订阅支持我们!如果有什么疑问,想法,或者建议,请给我们多多留言,多多赐教,我们会在第一时间给你答复!拜拜,咱们下期再见!

Background Music Credit: 

Lights by Sappheiros https://soundcloud.com/sappheirosmusic

Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/LightsSappheiros
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/-lbbHQbZNKg