Local Postal Carrier and the USPS

Published: July 15, 2020, 6:01 a.m.


Will there be a post office in the future? Will there be a post office for mail-in voting in the fall? 


On another level, it should be noted that a perceptive postal carrier may have unique insights into  the psychological state of our locale. This essential worker, speaking under conditions of anonymity, speaks of work in the streets, in the walkways, on the sidewalks, in the time of COVID. 








comment: encountercg@gmail.com



ALERT: Encounter Cottage Grove is looking for collaborators. If you have ideas, a capacity for technology, or want to pitch in in another way, help this volunteer project become a steady source for exploring our town and for going deeper into our history, our present, and our future.  Email us: encountercg@gmail.com

