It's time to move BEYOND survival and start to truly LIVE!

Published: Aug. 18, 2021, 8 a.m.

Welcome back to Embracing The Climb after a two month hiatus!
This episode I share about what's been going on the past few months and why I needed to step back from podcasting while I dealt with some suppressed issues that came surfacing hard & fast during a period of high stress that overwhelmed my nervous system. 

But of course - everything in life can be a lesson if we're paying attention! So this wake-up call helped to get me back into counselling to address issues that I've been burying for 5+ years and to finally see how my whole life has truly been built with a SURVIVAL mindset rather than a LIVING/THRIVING mindset. 

So today's episode is all about truly looking within yourself to see if you're holding onto to survival rituals to keep your brain feeling SAFE, rather than actually facing your truth and escaping your comfort zone to act on the things that will bring you true JOY and allow you to actually LIVE your identity & purpose. 

I hope you resonate with some of the really vulnerable parts of this episode (Because DUDE - this was HARD to record!) and as always, feel free to reach out if you wanna chat about your thoughts/experiences on Instagram @manda.pali or you can email me at!