[Hump Day Hype Up] The one where we reclaim the LEADING ROLE in our own lives

Published: Oct. 13, 2021, 5 a.m.

Hello and welcome back!

I know I've been quiet the past couple of weeks & that's because I've been slowly formulating the thoughts that I am sharing with you in today's episode. 
I've decided to stop playing the "supporting actor" in my own life. 
I've accepted that my role on this earth is not to please & appease those around me.
I am ready to take ownership of my life & stop people-pleasing like my life depends on it. 
Because the only person I need to please is MYSELF.
When I am aligned and joyful, I can make the biggest impact on those around me. 
When I am depleted and pouring from an empty cup, NO ONE benefits in the long run. 
We need to stop feeling selfish for taking the LEADING ROLE in our own lives. 
Who's with me?!

XO Amanda
Instagram @manda.pali