[Hump Day Hype Up] The one about rejecting society's MOULD for you and instead doing what actually WORKS

Published: Sept. 8, 2021, 8 a.m.

Heyyy! Welcome to another Hump Day Pep Talk where I give you just a quick little episode aimed at inspiring you on a specific topic.
Today I discuss the issue with the many "one size fits all" programs, services, advice or teachings out there.
I touch on how to recognize some red flags when joining a course/program, when working with a coach or teacher, or when adopting any kind of methodology. The biggest take away is that we, as the consumer, need to stop accepting the answer that something is wrong with US if something doesn't work - instead we need to start holding society accountable to being more accepting of INDIVIDUALITY and reject generalized answers to problems.
I challenge you to join the peaceful protest of being your authentic self, and demonstrate to others that they can allow you to be yourself WITHOUT having their own truths or beliefs attacked or taken away. We can be part of the solution if we demonstrate that there is no need for fear, that there is room for everyone at the party. 

I hope you can resonate with some of the topics in today's episode, and as always - I love hearing from you if you want to continue the conversation on Instagram @manda.pali or you can email embracingtheclimbpodcast@gmail.com.

XO Amanda