Taxing Picasso

Published: June 25, 2021, 7:17 p.m.


A recent Internet meme about Pablo Picasso prompted me to wonder about how many unsold paintings and other art objects he still had when he died. This thought came to me because Democrats are proposing all sorts of new taxes on corporations and the wealthy, and I wondered how Picasso\\u2019s estate might have been affected had he been subject to these taxes. That led me to wonder why the Democrats were so obsessive about taxing the wealthy. It could not be because they are suddenly fiscally responsible, because they aren\\u2019t. And it is not because they are worried about the mounting public debt, because they aren\\u2019t worried about that either. In this podcast, the Edifice of Trust host, Victor Bolles, looks at the real motives behind the Democrats\\u2019 raising taxes. (Hint: Its politics)
