Published: Nov. 4, 2018, 10:40 p.m.


It takes Understanding to accept NJPW as a whole, Knowledge to set the proper pace of watching an AJPW show, Courage to get through Danshoku Dieno's main event at DDT's Peter Pan, & Dedication to follow NOAH through their various ups & downs. All these skills are needed to finish off the MEGA SOLO PURO POTPOURRI! Dylan goes solo after a month away from the Eastern Lariat and cover all of the above, going in on NJPW, Power Struggle, & Naito's questionable booking, AJPW & Kento vs. Zeus, DDT & Peter Pan and one of the worst matches of the year (and a heartwarming personal favorite, as well as the Giant Baba/Tokyo Sports show and a daring main event idea. Check it out before STRIGGA's back next episode!

Follow Dylan on Twitter @DylanZeroSky & STRIGGA @STRIGGA - Cagematch.net & Purolove.com
