Singer Mike Izon and music Publisher Bobby Pileggi on the music industry

Published: Sept. 28, 2021, 11 p.m.

All of his life, Mike had been born and raised surrounded by music. Mike’s musical journey first began by playing the ukulele at eight years old. Self taught, Mike found himself enjoying the splendors of music by joining of the Ukulele club in Elementary School. In Middle School, Mike picked up the trumpet and also started playing percussion. In High School, he took on the French horn. It was not until after he graduated from High School that he switched over to playing the guitar. As Mike’s music career evolved, he went on playing live music regularly in Hawaii; mainly working the Waikiki circuit. In 2012, Mike Izon moved up the ladder and had won the Kollaboration Star Award and performed at the MNET Asian Music Awards Red Carpet Ceremony, in Hong Kong. When he returned to Hawaii, Mike had won another award of musical excellence at the Hawaii Stars Awards, in 2013. In 2018,  Mike Izon had released his first major commercial hit, “Purple Haze.” In 2019, he and his music publisher had composed the hit, “Brown Sugar Girl,” which was featured on CBS’s Magnum PI in 2019. Since then, Mike Izon has been a steadfast supporter for his community including ALS Cure Fundraising events and projects.  Now in 2021, Mike returns stronger than ever by hitting the waves with his new post Covid feel good Island pop hit, “Summer Days Are Here Again!”  Mike Izon’s goal is to one day win a Grammy based on his steadfast message of aloha and his gifted talent from life’s trials and tribulations; all within his world of music.  Bobby Pileggi, his music publisher quotes, “there is no doubt that one day Mike Izon will win a Grammy for not only himself, but mainly for Hawaii Nei!”