Interview with the Founder of Unguru CityGal Melanie - Part 1

Published: June 28, 2021, 11 p.m.

UnGuru strives to become the consumer protector. UnGuru is an “intentional use” platform, as media and technology should be used very little. As a Private Member Association, knowing who is on the other end of the keyboard is a must. Providing an uncensored, private platform will help our members to relax, giving them the ability to be conscious consumers choosing only the best within every community around the world. Education within unexposed knowledge will help our members to peace and prosperity, free from government  overreach, living without fear. A peaceful consumer “cancel culture” will change the course of our world placing the power back into the hands of the people. UnGuru will establish a Global movement in which people can identify one another  locally,  based within Apolitical statuses, enjoying differences in lifestyle, personal journeys, histories,  and a respect for individualism and free thinking.  Let us return to life without agendas but with autonomy, common sense ethics, honesty, transparency, honor and character. Those without agendas given by government institutions will pave the way for communities around the world to peacefully end corruption through conscious consumerism. Thus, ensuring our young families and youth are left with the keys to continue to repair our world.