Eyes wide open - Dare to be aware Ron Tabachnick interviews Yaya Diamond

Published: Nov. 8, 2021, midnight

Ron Tabachnick contacted Yaya Diamond a couple of weeks before this interview with a challenge which she accepted.  This is an interview you have to pay attention to because even I found out how wrong I was about my thoughts and outlook on my life as it is now. I learned I have to change my speech and take my time to think it through before answering.  What did you get from this episode? Comment below and let's talk about it. Do you want to accomplish a task that is important? Implement a 3-step procedure. Develop a 'roadmap'. Before you invest your time and money, practice like an athlete preparing for a competition. Robert T., V. P. Business Development states: "Ron Tabachnick has an uncanny ability to enable you" 1) to understand the current state of your affairs, 2) to create a view of where you want to go, and 3) to create and capture a roadmap for success. His 3 step approach is straight-forward. His capabilities at bringing out the understanding of your issues are extremely valuable to both your business and personal relationships". When you are seeking a fresh perspective, ask Ron: rt@insightacall.com