Special Guest Sophie Misouri Infant and Pregnancy Loss Death Doula

Published: Aug. 8, 2019, 12:47 p.m.


Today we are joined by Sophie Misouri of Wild Oats Birth Services and her journey as a Infant and Pregnancy Loss Death Doula.


Learn more >> http://wildoatsbirth.com


From Sophie\'s website:\\n"I\\u2019m Sophie Misouri, a bilingual Sudbury-based doula, the founder of Wild Oats \\u2013 and a mom of two who understands firsthand how much of a game-changer doula support can be.\\n\\u200bThough I studied Psychology and Anthropologie (at Laurentian) and am a graduate of Coll\\xe8ge Bor\\xe9al\\u2019s Occupational and Physiotherapy Assistant Program, it was my own birth experience that inspired me to become a doula and start Wild Oats.


With my first daughter Annabelle, who was born in 2016, I endured 26 hours of unpredictable and intense \\u2018back labour\\u2019. Out of exhaustion and desperation, I requested an epidural \\u2013 and ended up pushing for two-and-a-half hours. The experience left me scarred \\u2013 both physically and mentally.


Determined to have a different experience the second time around, I sought the help of a doula when I became pregnant again. With her in my corner, I felt informed, supported and empowered\\u2013 and ended up having an incredibly positive second birth experience in 2018.\\nIn addition to giving me another daughter \\u2013 sweet Nina \\u2013 that second pregnancy and birth experience changed the direction of my career and life\\u2019s work. I knew even before Nina was born that this was my calling and began the process of certifying (through Bebo Mia). The rest, as they say, is history."
