Do not be worried of the problems | See the problems as the step that takes you to the next level

Published: Feb. 20, 2021, 4:55 a.m.


PROBLEMS are the steps  


When most of us are getting worried of the problems  Trying to keep the problems away  Keeping safe distance from the problems,   we FAIL to understand a bigger fact of life.   and we Complain  of our luck, to the GOD and ask "WHY ME?"     


Problems are problems if you see them as problems  the moment you see them as just another step or another opportunity  we always have 2 choice in life and our attitude helps in choosing the right one  and the what you choose doesn\'t work, means you choose the wrong one. At times you have to touch the BOTTOM to enjoy the top. If you land on the terrace from the helicopter you would hardly enjoy the terrace, but image if the terrace is on the 20th floor and you had to take the stairs as the life wasn\'t working. What would be more fun?   


So at times, if they are testing  if they are tough,   if they are low  then believe and know that you are meant to have a better experience when on the top. Feel happy for yourself and then do your best to get on the top. That the place you deserve. That the place you should be and you need to be.   


What situations in your life are negative? Lost job, poor health,    1. Problems gives us perspective 2. Be grateful : You get to know the true value of something. You don\'t value water until you have a scarcity or the air or be it anything. 3. Brings the hidden potential 4. Interests & Commitment : You choose to go the commitment way and take actions 5. The best teacher 6. New opportunities 7. Confidence  if you believe in this line "Problems are there to SERVE you and not DESTROY you.
