My Interview on the Fathoms Podcast on Systemic Racism

Published: July 10, 2020, 6:33 p.m.


This episode will be the start of the series on Systemic Racism. I had the opportunity to be interviewed on the Fathoms podcast by Drew, Creek and Abrams. The world and especially America is in a crazy state. There is lack of unity over almost everything. This includes people\'s personal safety and whether the lives of people of color even matter. In this interview I dive into the Systemic Racism because it is a topic that has impacted black people, minorities and myself in such dreadful ways. I want people to understand why even though slavery so called ended over 150 years ago the effects and trauma still last in American society and this is why America has so much turmoil going on.

I hope through educating people on this we can bring more unity and understanding in the fight against injustice and racism.\\xa0

How does the Enneagram apply to this?\\xa0

Well Do It For The Gram Podcast is about improving ourselves and our communities through the Enneagram. The Enneagram is about inner work and outer work! The Enneagram is about self-discovery, self-awareness and healing. The Enneagram helps us to see that this world is not just about us. If you are not humbled by working with the Enneagram then you not doing it right.\\xa0 This tool helps us see how to better respond, why we are not responding or why other people act so crazy in times like now.\\xa0

Fathoms Podcast


New Enneagram Book: The Enneagram of Discernment by Drew Moser

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