Learning how to be instead of do with Caroline McKinney interview (Type 3)

Published: July 4, 2022, 8 a.m.


Caroline is passionate about turning\\xa0shades of gray into bright technicolor as an\\xa0Enneagram Coach, podcast host, social media marketing entrepreneur, kindness enthusiast, and multi-passionate Enneagram 3.\\xa0

Caroline\'s Links & Handles: @enneagramwithcaroline:\\xa0https://www.instagram.com/enneagramwithcaroline @randomactsofcaroline:\\xa0https://www.instagram.com/randomactsofcaroline\\xa0 \\xa0 www.randomactsofcaroline.com \\xa0 Random Acts of Caroline Podcast\\xa0 https://open.spotify.com/show/6isM3xfLL7sZtZwjzNFBIT?si=Ugq3KwEGSoOzo1bN7DANZQ \\xa0 Milton\'s Links and Handles: This episode is sponsored by Betterhelp. If you are struggling BetterHelp can help. You\'ll receive 10% off your first month when you sign on using\\xa0https://betterhelp.com/doit.

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