Published: Feb. 18, 2020, 7:03 p.m.

Do you need empathy? Validation? Would it be helpful to hear words of love and support, words of affirmation? Affirmations are known to produce powerful chemical changes in the body, and therefore our physical world — but sometimes it can be challenging to uplift ourselves. With this guided affirmation you are deeply loved, surrounded by love, filled with love.

Are you ready to make the power of affirmations work for you? Listen to my podcast episode “The #1 Way To Make Affirmations Work For You - Create The Reality You Want (in 2 Minutes Or Less!) here.

*Visit my website for more free pre-recorded guided affirmations, made with love and intention for you. They can be played on any digital device, including smart phone, tablet or desktop computer.  Listen to guided affirmations with me anytime, anywhere!