Chair Massage At The Office

Published: May 7, 2023, 9:16 p.m.

b'Come and listen while Host Christina Spoletini interviews a variety of extraordinary women, whom are working to make the world a better place! #DivasThatCare\\n\\nGail Korpan is a registered massage therapist who is an intuitive professional that works with people and partners with companies to bring wellness to their workplace.\\n\\nGail believes that by having massage and other holistic modalities right on sight, it will give people a better opportunity to invest time into their wellness easier and have a holistic ripple effect into their lives.\\n\\nGail has been a reiki master and reflexologist since 2004 and has brought wellness to workplaces/trades shows since 2010.\\xa0 She has worked in offices for 30 years and has secured several companies to bring chair massage to offices for the past decade. \\xa0 Gail is an indigenous healer with 17 years of experience and additional certifications in manual lymph drainage, access bars, belly massage, reflexology for feet, hands and ears.\\n\\\\n\\\\n\\'