Let's Be Honest! Is Your Life Desperately in Need of a Hard Boot? If So, Push the Reset Button! Featuring Author, Life Coach and Psychotherapist Dr. Foojan Zeine

Published: Dec. 17, 2021, 8 a.m.

Brief Episode Summary:

To reset, is to set something again, like an alarm for instance. It’s a starting over, a hard boot in computerese. Why would anyone desire to do a reboot of their life, if it weren’t for the unfulfilling one, they see on so many levels as they honestly peer into the mirror of their life-essence? Be it relational, vocational, familial, and more, pursuing the idea of a reset of your life, an Awareness Integration, is crying out…to you!

#honesty #hard boot #reset #awareness #self-awareness #Lifereset #goals #expectations #challenges #trauma #life-changing  

Key Topics:

  • What is self-awareness and how do we make it work in our favor versus abusing it?
  • If one is to maximize a process designed for the user becoming the best version of them self,  why is it so important that they imagine their passing and coming back to life on their return journey?  
  • What distinguishes a goal from a fantasy?  
  • After one has made significant personal progress in the area of growth, does that mean it's smooth sailing from that point on and if not, what should be the confident expectations? 
  • What makes the Awareness Integration journey so much different than other people and processes that promised much and delivered little?


  •  Shareable link to this episode: https://www.buzzsprout.com/859273/9735836 
  • Dr. Foojan's website address is www.foojanzeine.com. Check it out!
  • Alan's email address: therabbi@thewalkbook.com
  • Alan’s link to register to receive new podcasts and other updates: http://eepurl.com/g1DSf9   
  • Link to tell us what podcast themes you'd like to  see us cover: https://form.jotform.com/210597899275071  
  • Sheri Sperry's website to connect with her, https://sellsedona.com/sedona-lifestyle

Call to Action 

  • If you enjoyed this week's podcast episode, I would greatly appreciate it if you would rate and review it where you listen to your podcasts. Thank you!  
  • Order Foojan's book, "Life Reset: The Awareness Integration Path to Create the Life You Want" at AMAZON and Barnes and Noble.

A Realtor in AZ for 10 years, her main goal is to

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