#88. Awakening through Detachment, Transcending Self-Doubt, and Living Barefoot Culture — Yoshua Greenfield

Published: Dec. 6, 2021, 10 a.m.

Welcome back to another episode of Discover More.

"So I'm very symbolic in nature and I'm aware that I'm creating these ideas and these stories to navigate life in a way. But the more I tune in and listen, the more things become obvious. For me, I don't make choices anymore. Choices are illusions. Like we think we were choosing between two things, but once the thing that we're supposed to do becomes clear, the other thing wasn't even really an option. But if you're turning into what you really want and what you really need, well then there is no choice. The other thing is just like the illusion hiding." - Yoshua Greenfield 

This week’s guest, Yoshua Greenfield, is one of the most fascinating people we’ve ever met.

A talented musician, author, home cook, nature-lover, and bare-foot advocate, Yoshua comes with a wide range of important stories and lessons.

He is well-known in the YouTube community for his prior role in the food show, “Brothers Green”, as well as his current project, “You Enjoy Life”, which examines what it truly means to be and feel alive through food, music, natural movement, and connection.

We appreciate the way he explains complex topics through elegant story-telling and subtly encourages others to dive deeper into their spirituality and belief systems.

In this week’s episode, Yoshua recounts his journey of transitioning from a Brooklyn-based professional musician to a Colorado-living barefoot advocate. He reflects on his experience running his first barefoot marathon in the Colorado Mountains, as well as the many physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of living barefoot.

Yoshua also shares some powerful practices for overcoming self-doubt, developing self-awareness, and deepening in relationship with Mother Nature.

We’re so excited to share Yoshua’s beautiful stories and wisdom. They are truly inspiring, and we hope that you find it as moving as we did.

Show Notes:

Yoshua’s Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzr-PyKUTPosDadxqMHtoTw

Yoshua’s Website: https://yelmusic.com/

Yoshua’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/youenjoylife/

Book on Living Barefoot: https://yelmusic.com/walkingbarefoot


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