38. Successfully Retiring at 30 through Mindset Development and Real Estate with Tu Pham

Published: Sept. 7, 2020, 9 a.m.

"I like to describe wisdom as the self-reflection of past experiences. It’s like, what are you extracting out of these moments to make you a wiser person." - Tu Pham Tu Pham (@tupham918 ) is an accountant turned real estate Investor who successfully achieved his American dream by retiring from his 9-5 at the age of 30. The crazier thing, he submitted his two weeks in March 2020, in the middle of a global pandemic. Tu was also the first guest on the Discover More Podcast, where he courageously announced his vision on our first interview. Now, just one year later, he has even more than he predicted, and we are remarkably excited to have him back in the studio. In this week’s episode, Tu shares the mindsets that enabled him to achieve this goal, including the transformational powers of vision and belief. Further, we discuss the challenges of retiring in such an uncertain time, as well as the importance of self-reflection and mentorship. Please check out Tu's favorite book “Twelve Universal Laws of Success” by Herbert Harris. We’d really appreciate it if you could leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, as it really helps the podcast grow. We hope you enjoy this episode of Discover More, with us and Tu Pham. Thank you.