33. Seeking Mentorship, Cultivating Curiosities, and Leaning into Discomfort with Montay Fowler

Published: July 6, 2020, 9 a.m.

"Schools are where students feel safe, which is condusive to learning, and where they feel supported. They feel loved, they feel seen, and they feel heard. That stuff can change a person's life." - Montay Fowler Montay Fowler (@Montayf_) is a Youtuber (@TayLoso), MSW UPenn Graduate, a real estate entrepreneur, and a well-recognized leader in the communities of Philadelphia for his civic engagement and services. In this episode, we shift our focus from the macro racial issues to the personal aspects of Montay’s upbringing. We discuss his unique evolution as a former collegian athlete to an academic scholar after a major heartbreak, his journey to start a real estate business with his partners through self-education, and much more. This is part 2 of our conversation with more lighthearted topics, and we shared quite a few laughs listening to Montay’s remarkably inspiring and entertaining journey. Check out Montay’s favorite spot in the city: Uncle Bobbie’s Coffee & Books (@unclebobbies). We’d really appreciate it if you could leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, as it really helps the podcast grow. We hope you enjoy this episode of Discover More, with us and Montay Fowler. Thank you.