Published: Jan. 22, 2015, 2 a.m.

THIS WEEK ON DDP RADIO: WE WELCOME YOGA DOC AND CHRISTINA RUSSELL! 9 P.M. EST WEDNESDAY JANUARY 21 (347) 994-1216  This week we welcome two DDPYOGA superstars as the one and only Craig “Yoga Doc” Aaron and Christina Russell join us for an hour of information and inspiration on Wednesday! One of the longest standing kingpins in Team DDPYOGA, Yoga Doc is responsible for shaping DDPYOGA into what it is today – a runaway success that has helped thousands of people around the world reclaim their lives and their health. Some of you may recognize Craig “Yoga Doc” Aaron as the front man for the 80’s cover band Iron Mullet, but he’s also an esteemed doctor of chiropractic medicine, Ayurvedic nutritionist, accomplished yogini and fitness buff who helped DDP come up with the formula we all love to work out to.  “Got DDPYOGA health-related questions?” said Yoga Doc. “Well we’ve got answers on Wednesday! I’ll also answer anything you wanted to know about the DDPYOGA Certification Program. And we’ll also brainstorm ideas on how to promote yourself and find classroom venues once you’re certified. Yoga Doc will also share the story of how he became involved with shapeshifting the former YRG workout into DDPYOGA with his longtime friend, Diamond Dallas Page. “I started teaching Dallas and Kimberly yoga in 2001. Dallas and I started talking about writing “Yoga For Regular Guys” at 10 p.m. on Thanksgiving night, 2003.”