Elin Kelsey: How Optimism Can Help Save the Oceans

Published: Aug. 14, 2019, 4:40 p.m.


\\u201cWe recognise and respect the many challenges facing our oceans, yet too often \'doom and gloom\' stories are the only kind of ocean news we hear.

"The evidence suggests that if we do not balance the bad news with good, and the problems with solutions, we will not motivate people to act.\\u201d

That\\u2019s a quote from the website of Ocean Optimism, a movement to inspire action to save the oceans not by highlighting what\\u2019s going wrong, but by sharing stories of what\\u2019s going right. Our guest this time is Ocean Optimism\\u2019s founder, Elin Kelsey.

Learn more on the episode page at dastardlycleverness.com.

Elin Kelsey of Ocean Optimism
