SC 40: A Small Company Takes on the Devil Inside the Beltway

Published: Jan. 6, 2015, 6:49 p.m.

LabMD processes medical specimens. One day, a security services company emailed them advising that its patented searching software, which looks for problems caused by peer-to-peer applications, found a file with sensitive information.

The security company offered its services at $475 an hour in what was interpreted as a shakedown. LabMD refused to play and refused to pay, choosing to mitigate the problem themselves. 

The security company turned over its finding to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) leading to a multi-year, resource-draining battle by LabMD to try prove that they did nothing wrong. 

Security Current's Vic Wheatman spoke with LabMD's CEO Mike Daugherty, author of The Devil Inside the Beltway: The Shocking Expose of the US Government's Surveillance and Overreach into Cybersecurity, Medicine and Small Business. Daugherty talks about taking on a government bureaucracy over matters of principle. 

Also, read Security Current's Richard Stiennon's review of Daugherty's book.