31 Years Since the Tiananmen Massacre, Tens of Thousands Hong Kongers Defy Banned Vigil

Published: June 5, 2020, 2:50 a.m.

For the first time, Hong Kong is banning the annual memorial for the Tiananmen Square Massacre, commemorating the estimated 10,000 democracy protesters killed by the Chinese Communist Party on June 4, 1989. Local authorities have banned the gathering under the claim of social distancing with the COVID-19 coronavirus, yet Hong Kong residents are ignoring the ban and are joining the memorial event.

As Chinese authorities look to extend Mainland law into Hong Kong through the new “national security laws,” the UK government is considering creating a path to citizenship for close to three million Hong Kong residents who had British passports before the handover to China. The United States is now considering similar programs for Hong Kongers looking to escape.

And as protesters take to the streets across the United States, there is a growing concern it could lead to a second wave outbreak of the new coronavirus. Within two weeks to a month, the protests could show whether or not the lockdowns were necessary and effective to slow the spread of the virus.

These stories and more in this episode of Crossroads.

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