CrabDiving – Wed 110123 – A Rare Melania Appearance and What’s Up With DeSantis’s Shoes?

Published: Nov. 2, 2023, 2:28 a.m.

There was a rare Melania appearance at a Mar-a-Lago event, the first time she was seen in public with her loving hubby in months. The CBO told the GOP their cuts to the IRS would add to the deficit, not reduce it. Don Jr. testified in their New York trial that he knows nothing of accepted accounting standards. The new Speaker's wife is a Christian counselor that uses some totally BS hoodoo-magic based on medical science from 400 BC. Ron DeSantis can't escape people noticing the obvious, giant lifts in his boots that make him waddle like a tubby ballerina on point. Bobby Kennedy Jr.'s candidacy is pulling more GOP voters than Democrats. An increasing number of Republican senators are sick of Tommy Tuberville's moronic blockade of military promotions. Northern Ireland is scrambling to find two tanks of stolen bovine semen.