CrabDiving – Wed 092921 – Manchin and Sinema Put Big Money Donors Ahead of Their Constituents

Published: Sept. 30, 2021, 3:48 a.m.

Manchin and Sinema put big-money donors ahead of their constituents. Pelosi maneuvered the infrastructure budget legislation forward. YouTube said it would finally ban anti-vaccine propaganda content. United Airlines prepared to fire employees who refused the jab. Insurrectionist Congressperson Marjorie Taylor Greene said forced-birth should be enforced because motherhood "makes women better people." According to Stephanie Grishman Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson put his far-right fascist Christian nationalism unapologetically on display at some weird evangelical conference. The fascist Governor of South Dakota might be in hot water for allegedly pulling strings so her daughter could get her real estate appraiser license. A white supremacist was sentenced to prison on firearms charges. Dirtbag Mordor-forged Trump demon Corey Lewandowski was accused of making unwanted sexual advances at a charity event.