CrabDiving – Wed 040622 – Even John Roberts Is Sick of The Activist Right-Wing SCOTUS Using The Shadow Docket

Published: April 7, 2022, 5:11 a.m.

Even John Roberts is sick of the activist right-wing SCOTUS using the shadow docket. The Supremes actually did something to protect the citizenry from the thugs-in-blue.  Putin, along with his personal “Rasputin” wants to take over Europe. Speaking of fascist Vlad, his daughters have been sanctioned because of Russia’s war crimes upon Ukraine. A religious loon threw a fit over Caitlyn Jenner’s hiring at Faux News. A preacher encouraged their flock to break car windows and commit violent acts against ANTIFA. Cretin MRA activist Nick Fuentes barely contained his stiffy over Stalin in an odd moment of Christianity. Democrat Jamie Raskin clapped back bigly at Marjorie Taylor Greene’s heckle regarding Russia. Students in Wisconsin aren’t reporting to class in furry attire and using in-classroom litter boxes despite the rambling of a dumbass Republican. Surely an angel earns its wings every time RWNJ wanker Stew Peters gets “swatted.” The nastier of the two Murdock demon spawn added to his personal navy.