CrabDiving – Tue 080321 – Cuomo Needs To Resign, But After Protecting Gaetz and Trump The GOP Needs To STFU

Published: Aug. 4, 2021, 3:50 a.m.

Cuomo needs to resign, but after protecting Gaetz and Trump the GOP needs to STFU. Mayor De Blasio mandated vaccines for those engaged in indoor activities. Florida broke coronavirus hospitalization once again. The courts said Indiana University could require students to get the jab. In news that isn't shocking, sexual harassment allegations plague a FOX News "personality." The once imprisoned former Governor of Illinois said he was suing his way back into government. Violent, radicalized Trumpists stormed a county GOP meeting. Pillow Czar Lindell said his losing one million bucks a week because Faux News won't air ads for his dumb symposium. Florida's ghost candidate scandal continued to evolve. A councilwoman in Cali got in trouble for failing to report a partial payment of a boob-job as a political gift. Maricopa County defied a subpoena from the state senate regarding Cyber Ninja shenanigans.