CrabDiving – Tue 060121 – Crazy Michael Flynn Is Jealous of Myanmar’s Military Coup

Published: June 2, 2021, 1:08 p.m.

Crazy Michael Flynn is jealous of Myanmar's military coup. Radicalized MAGATS also cried out for a coup and fully expect to see Shitler reinstalled as POTUS. Meat makers were the victims of a Russian hack attack. The head Oath Keeper was indicted for conspiracy for his party in the January 6th insurrection. The transphobic czar of the not-so-great Republic of Florida signed an anti-trans bill banning transgender women and girls from sports. SCOTUS won't hear an appeal of the case against Johnson and Johnson involving the company's talcum powder giving women ovarian cancer. Despite the pandemic, CEOs still made bank because this is Dystopia. After a "readjustment" of their coronavirus death count, Peru now leads the planet in COVID 19 mortality rates. The Pope finally decided to make child rape officially illegal in the eyes of the church. An idiot haberdasher lost a sweet deal with Stetson and other hate makers after posting bigoted, whacked-out, racist disinformation about coronavirus.