CrabDiving – Mon 103122 – Elon Musk Tweeted A Crazy Right-Wing Conspiracy

Published: Nov. 1, 2022, 12:54 p.m.

Elon Musk tweeted a crazy righ-wing conspiracy theory on his newly purchased platform because he sucks. Lula beat the fascist in Brazil’s presidential election. The MAGAT suspected of beating Paul Pelosi with a hammer was charged. Twitter owner Musk will make accounts with blue checks pay for the designation. GOP con artists Jacob Wahl and Jack Burkman were found guilty in a robocall scandal related to COVID disinformation. President Obama roasted the living crap out of Republican load Ron Johnson. Actor Evan Peters went full-Method to prepare for the title role in Dahmer. Antisemitic troll Vincent James puked out dumb tropes about the Holocaust. A moronic MAGAT pastor running for office said Kanye is the victim of Nazism. Blotchy Bannon threatened the DOJ and Merrick Garland is expected to indict Trump after the midterms.