Episode 180 Doubling Down On A False Narrative

Published: June 30, 2022, 2:46 a.m.


Hello frens, today we open with news about the lawsuit pile-up happening in BC about vaccine mandates and highlight that there seem to be constitutionally sound justices within BC that are moving some of these suits forward. We then focus on Justanidiot's doubling down on his misinformation and false narratives in regards to vaccine mandates and the implementation of the emergencies act. We look at the hot water now surrounding Brenda Lucki, Bill Blair and Justin Trudeau with their roles into pressuring the N.S. RCMP into releasing gun details of the NS shooting to further their political agenda of disarming law abiding Canadian gun owners. and Lastly we take a hard look at Jane Roe, and learn she was not exactly who we had assumed she was.


Musical Cred:


Opening - Poor Mans Poison, Hell's Comin' With Me


Intro - Metalhawk, The Last Of The Mohicans


Outro - The Freak Fandango, Requiem For a Fish
