Who Are You

Published: Feb. 28, 2018, 11 a.m.


I love great questions. Give me a great question and I\\u2019m already in joy and expansion. A great question leads you to discovery, wisdom, illumination and inspiration.\\xa0


My question for you is \\u201cWho Are You?\\u201d\\xa0

Who Are You?\\u201d What turns you on? What inspires you? What leads you forward in your life?


In the next few episodes of Cosmic Coffee Break, we are going to have some wild fun. We\\u2019re going to work with anthems. Your anthem is a song that inspires you to pay attention to who you are and how you show up in your life and our world. It motivates and helps you stand for what is highest and best in you.\\xa0


Take the time to listen to this series of podcasts, each with it\\u2019s own anthem, meditation and vibration to lift you up, share your brilliance and celebrate your soul and your purpose. It\\u2019s time to stand in your fullness. Listen to this meditation and anthem every day for a full week and see the difference it makes!

Listen Here on cosmiccoffeebreak.com
