Will a new therapeutic KILL mail in voting and the Democrat dream of fraud?

Published: Aug. 17, 2020, 5 a.m.

In the first part of this episode I talk about how the Dems are pushing HARD for their mail in voting by pushing a mailbox elimination hysteria, and Nancy "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" Pelosi recalling Congress out of recess to question the Post Master General about what she alleges to be a Trump conspiracy to make mail in voting difficult.

The Dems NEED mail in voting. They are losing support, and if they have a shot, it will only be with fraud and chaos.

BUT - I've been talking about a therapeutic and today the news dropped that a new botanical therapeutic has the potential to wipe out Covid in 2 days. I go over an article in detail about the drug that has the financial backing of Mike Lindell from MyPillow and is endorsed by Ben Carson. This is the real deal. If you want to skip to this part it's around minute 23:00. IF this comes to market before the election, Trump and the Republicans END the Democrat narrative on mail in voting and they don't stand a chance.