The Power Of The Davis Method: How A Dyslexic Mind Works (P5)

Published: Feb. 4, 2022, noon

Hay guys today I will be talking about the Davis method, this is something that positively impacted my life, i hope it does the same to you, 


1- we see the world in pictures; babies do this and grow out of it, but people with dyslexia don't; they try the 3D image of everything. 

2- we can't do this with words; cat, is a picture of a cat, not the letters, c, a,t

3- when we read, we come over blank.

Words that don't have a picture to them, so we get confused - We see everything in picture format. 

Making models of words in clay. 

2- In my story reading the book, the fox jumped over the wooden fence, talking about filler words how they confused it. 

The way the dyslexic brain sees objects and the story of my working in school 2d v3s

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